Road to Prototype

Welcome to the devlog for TerraPunk, a tactical strategy game currently in early development! My name is Brielle, and I'm the producer and an artist on this project. I'll be making these posts and replying to any comments with the help of my team! The player controls a flying city in a post-apocalyptic world. In the vein of X-Com, there will be a world map where the player can select locations.  After selecting a location, they will send characters/minions down to collect resources and fight enemies. 

Meet the team:

  • Programmers:
    • Skyler McCloud - Lead Programmer
    • Samuel Steffon
    • Josh Kort
  • Artists:
    • Jess Lundquist - Lead Artist
    • Jesus Casanova
    • Brielle Brantner - Artist + Producer 
  • Designers:
    • Fred Guese - Lead Designer
    • Brandon Farris
    • Logan Canamar

Currently, the prototype is in development, and we'll be showcasing it on 2/14 (Happy Valentine's Day <3). I'll have some more updates for you after it's finished! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments. Thanks for stopping by!

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